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  • +91 94434 51987
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About Vizhuthukal

Vizhuthukal Trust is a non-profitable organisation which was constituted and is being run by a group of conscious young Dalit women who were themselves victims of discrimination, exploitation and poverty.

Vizhuthukal Trust was established in 2005 by the women, for the women. We have a set of committed volunteers who have been actively doing social service for the past few years. Having realised the importance of collective efforts and legal recognition, they came forward jointly to promote Vizhuthukal Trust for the development of the deprived, dehumanized, exploited and downtrodden sections of women and children in Tirunelveli district Tamilnadu, India.

Strive towards transforming the de-humanized and the exploited to experience and -sustain a dignified life

Our Mission

To create awareness among deprived and co ordinate them into mutually supporting cohesive groups, motivating for their equal human rights and channeling all available resources access to their maximized standard of living with adequate means and source of sustained livelihood to establish a just fair society without any discrimination on the spheres of caste, class, gender, creed, and economical source in existing life pattern.

Our Vision

To ensure dignified, humanitarian life without any discrimination to establish a just fair society through empowerment of women and children.

Our Programms

We are a non-profital & Charity raising money for child education


Provide food and clothing to poor senior citizen

Vizhuthukal Trust works with the marginalized elderly people to provide food, medicines, and clothing around Tirunelveli


Provide groceries and vegetables to poor aged

The selected 60 poor aged women those who are managing their daily needs by doing waste pick in the carbage

Health - Vitamin Angels

A health programme for chidlren aged below 5

chidlren aged below 5, were supplied the Vitamin A and Albendazol tablets with the support Vitamin Angels USA

Health and hygiene

Sanitation project to urban Scavengers

Lack of clean toilets in the slums of Tirunelveli City Corporation of Tamilnadu state in South India

Social Security

Enrolment of Domestic workers and scavengers

One of Our main thrusts of this year is formation and strengthens the Domestic worker’s District level Federation.


Children Resource centres

Vizhuthukal Trust has started three resource centers. Including this, eight resource centers have been functioning


Income generation for poor women

Our target people are dalit women domestic workers, scavengers and agricultural coolies.


Educational empowerment to girl children

Scavengers are psychologically, socially, economically and educationally very pathetic situation.

Housing to slum dwellers

Homes to homless scavengers

Homes to homless scavengers The project is to provide quality affordable housing to the scavengers living

High lights and Impact

We can talk for a long time about advantages of our Dental clinic before other medical treatment facilities. But you can read the following facts in order to make sure of all pluses of our clinic:

1,433 +

Aged poor senior citizens were benefited by getting one month food materials and cloth during the year of 2023-2024


Aged abandoned women were benefited by providing groceries and vegetable s every month in slums of tirunelveli corporation


Unorganized women domestic workers and scavengers were enrolled in the Tamil Nadu social security scheme by labour wefare board


Families ( 157 members) have the sense of fulfillment and pride enlivening in the self of the community ,especially the family members who got the toilet.


Fammilies (123 members) were selected to provide new houses those who are iving in the slums of Tirunelveli corproation.


Slum chidlren have benefited by supplying of Viatamin A and Albendazol tablets by Vitamin angels programme.


Women domestic workers and scavengers were organised as gross root level units in Tirunelveli district.


Chidlren were benefited by regularly attending in the chidlren resouce centres.


One time cash relief Rs. 30,000 each to 62 Covid victims family Covid intervention by providing food materials to 52 Covid affected families.. Education empowerment program to 100 poor girls students of scavenger families.

Meet our Team

Board of Trustees


Managing Trustee


Financial Trustee

R.Rebekkal Thangam




E.Evelyn Lisa


Staff Team

Name & Designation
Mr. K. Prakash.M.A., Executive Director
Mrs. A. Hephzipah, B.E., Accountant
Mrs. E. Evelyn Lisa , M.E., Fund raiser/ Project –In-charge
Mr. S.N. Naveen, M.E., Project co-ordinator
Mrs. N. Indra Field staff
Mrs. T. Madathy Field staff
Mr. M. Prabhakaran, M.A., Project consultant
Mr. Rajkumar M.Com., Advisor
Title & Name

Mr. K. Prakash.M.A.,

Mrs. A. Hephzipah, B.E.,

Mrs. E. Evelyn Lisa , M.E.,

Mr. S.N. Naveen, M.E.,

Mrs. N. Indra

Mrs. T. Madathy

Mr. M. Prabhakaran, M.A.,

Mr. Rajkumar M.Com.,

Official Designation

Executive Director


Fund raiser/ Project –In-charge

Project co-ordinator

Field staff

Field staff

Project consultant


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